By Anonymous - 07/03/2015 19:05 - United States - Brandon

Today, my brother was doing an extremely annoying Shrek impression, so I turned the TV on in a desperate attempt to drown him out. You'll never guess what movie was on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 727
You deserved it 4 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe Shrek is trying to tell you something


Maybe Shrek is trying to tell you something

JMichael 25

That ogres are like onions?

You cannot run from Shrek. You cannot hide from Shrek. Shrek will find you. Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

xKrisSmoove 21

Shrek is trying to say "it's not ogre yet"

@63 That is getting to be severely overplayed.

I'd imagine you'd be quite ogre it after a while.

ThatLobster 24

Why don't you show your parents the 'shrek Is love shrek is life' video and say that's where his behavior is coming from.. ;)

Steffi3 40

At least Shrek does a decent impression of himself

As a big sister of 4 siblings I know exactly how you feel.

1dvs_bstd 41
Shadowvoid 33

Don't be stupid, it clearly was Mamma Mia..

You got the wrong color. It's 50 Shades of Green