Like a virgin
By JustSomeGuy - 30/07/2013 03:43 - United States - Bulverde
By JustSomeGuy - 30/07/2013 03:43 - United States - Bulverde
By Lady Vulva - 19/09/2015 02:56
By Anonymous - 21/08/2014 21:24 - Portugal - Alg
By thisblows - 16/03/2011 16:50 - United States
By during - 19/05/2010 12:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/12/2013 18:50
By klsdhjla - 15/02/2010 01:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/09/2011 20:03 - United States
By chicochico - 19/12/2008 16:05 - France
By anon - 31/07/2015 20:28 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 29/11/2013 11:56 - United States - Westminster
He just wasn't ready?
...Just like I wasn't ready to post a comment. People please forgive me for I have made a terrible mistake.
Poor religion, not to bash, but the kid is frightened because of something as natural as life.
Rape is almost as natural as life and most people are frightened of it. Besides, in this case it goes against his moral beliefs (as I am assuming from the fact that he prayed to God) to have premarital sex. Putting your moral fiber aside can leave people feeling guilty for the rest of their lives.
Lets just be thankful he wasn't Greco-Roman. "Oh Zeus! Oh Aphrodite! Oh Apollo! Oh..."
Or Hindu. "Oh Beeralingeswa-- oh, we're done already?"
What about Taoism? "Oh Ying! Oh Yang! Oh... Um..."
Assuming for a moment that your username is literal and you are also a guy, you should probably let him know the Pope said it's totally cool now.
For real?
God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!
No #42, the Pope is just okay with homosexual desires, not actual homosexual actions. :)
He said, and I quote (from today's newspaper, "If they seek God and have good values, who am I to judge?" I think it is commendable to Pope Francis to reiterate that having faith and staying true is more important than if you have sinned. Especially in these times, with Catholicism and The Pro Gay community really fighting it out.
Unless she had a strap on and was hammering him, in which case his reaction would be understandable - otherwise what a whimp. Poor OP
She? Did you see the users name?
Am I the only one who thinks the user name is related to the bf and she meant he's justsomeguy? Either way it sucks.
Ummm okk
You thief
Awe the poor kid lost his purity and now thinks he is going to hell.
Poor guy :( maybe he wasn't ready. Premarital sex can be pretty devastating to some people if they weren't fully prepared for it. I'm sorry it was a bad experience, OP.