Like a virgin

By JustSomeGuy - 30/07/2013 03:43 - United States - Bulverde

Today, while taking my boyfriend's virginity, he started moaning, "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" He then started crying and praying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 109
You deserved it 9 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awe the poor kid lost his purity and now thinks he is going to hell.

Poor guy :( maybe he wasn't ready. Premarital sex can be pretty devastating to some people if they weren't fully prepared for it. I'm sorry it was a bad experience, OP.


PhDInLife 8

Was he a football player...named Tim by chance??

skyeyez9 24

If he was that uncomfortable, you should have Stopped! I also have a feeling OP's bf was a minor or "barely legal." And OP is much older.

Amazing how you can assume all that from one little post!

skyeyez9 24

If the bf was in pain....why did OP keep going?! That shows OP is selfish and only cared about his own pleasure. That is why I made the assumption Sounds like he took advantage of him and kept pounding away despite his bf not enjoying it.

Who said the boyfriend was in pain? To me, it reads more like he was enjoying himself (plenty of people say 'oh god' when they're really getting into sex) but when he realised what he was saying, he remembered the toxic bullshit his religion spouts and had himself a little breakdown. Amazing how two people can come to wildly different conclusions based purely on assumptions.

Sounds like you were so good in bed it turned into a religious experience

miaoucore 13

you made the situation sound creepy :c

At least he didn't start singing Madonna while you were making him unlike a virgin, OP. Perhaps if you analized your actions and tried a little tenderness (and lube) with his aching entryway??

OP, maybebyour boyfriend realized he was straight (based on uour username.) And if you're a girl, maybe he realized he was gay. Either way, tough break.

RedPillSucks 31

Not sure he would be crying "Oh God" and praying, if he was gay and having sex with a girl.

Well, if this is two guys having sex, you can't lose your virginity anyhow. Virginity is only with straight sex. Beyond the point, that sucks if its a girl-guy situation.

Virgin = someone who has never had sexual contact with another person.

155, so if I'm incredibly stupid, how did I write the comment? I'm just stating the truth and apparently you won't accept that fact.

pazuzus_intern 10

Anyone who's been on here long enough knows that there are incredibly stupid people that are perfectly capable of writing comments and your comment proved you were one of them. Then your second comment erased all doubt. I highly recommend brushing up on your vocabulary, particularly the words "stupid" and "virginity" as you have demonstrated that you don't know the meaning of either.