Like a virgin

By JustSomeGuy - 30/07/2013 03:43 - United States - Bulverde

Today, while taking my boyfriend's virginity, he started moaning, "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" He then started crying and praying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 109
You deserved it 9 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awe the poor kid lost his purity and now thinks he is going to hell.

Poor guy :( maybe he wasn't ready. Premarital sex can be pretty devastating to some people if they weren't fully prepared for it. I'm sorry it was a bad experience, OP.


Epikouros 31

At least you made a big impression. Let's hope he'll be able to laugh about it later.

Poor Jonas brother. Guess he thought of the money he won't get from Disney if you go public.

Iforgotaname 9

Well at least its better than yup-yup-yup-yup constantly

XxWormFoodxX 14

It was probably too much for the poor boy xD

TheModernPatriot 14

I'm a Christian, I believe in God and the whole nine yards, now I know I've fallen short many times. I know you are supposed to wait til marriage, but I'm glad I didn't and I know that one day I'll have to stand before God about this and many other things.

If I had a penny for every time I did that... oh. I havent.. fml..

emmydafox 16

Go slow, the poor guy was probably just nervous and that calmed him. Hope everything works out better the next time, guys. :)