Like a virgin

By chchboy - 22/05/2012 05:05 - United States

Today, I went all the way for the first time with my girlfriend. After I had finished, she asked me, "What just happened? Was that sex?" I wasn't sure either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 162
You deserved it 7 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SweetlyPsycho 4

If you nor your girlfriend can tell if you had "sex" then I don't think either of you are old enough to be having sex.


If Niether of you are sure, you probably shouldn't be having sex in the first place

Take. Your. Time. And yes, practice makes perfect. Great lovers aren't born.

As long as you pulled out, it doesn't matter cause you had sex

What is sex? Don't finish before me... Before me... No no...

princessmollysue 9

Ain't nothing like the very first time ( I'm a Virgin so i wouldn't know )

If the "stick" was in the "hole" then yes.

firefighterjohn 9

I can see this in either direction. It could have felt so good you didn't even know what happened. or it was so bad there's not even a name for it

Should have told her you should try it again to make sure ;)

he should just be single for a while and get it in a couple times and then just go back to his girlfriend until he knows what he is doing.