Little demon

By Hackmanjones - 13/06/2009 14:42 - Canada

Today, I was volunteering at a zoo event for special needs kids. My job was to dress up in a kangaroo costume and greet the kids. One kid came up and said, "You're not real!" and kicked me in the nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 426
You deserved it 4 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a woman and you have balls. Your L is F'd.

well at least he knows you weren't real lol thats a smart "slow" kid =P


that's what you get for not being a real kangaroo...

HAHA u were completely owned by a special needs kid classic!!!

Glam_fml 0

Haha, wow. I would have said, "Yes I am!" and kangaroo punched his lights out.

that kid's a philosopher. He put your reality into question and then answered the question by making you feel pain - the only real sense that we can feel in this god forsaken world. Pretty deep stuff. oh, I should also add LOL, you got kicked in da ballz! dats teh funnay!

Regarding the kid: What #31 said. Regarding the mascot: Get used to it. Maybe you don't need to wear a cup, but at least practice closing your legs and ducking quickly. (It'll only work on kids but that's all you need)

tell it that he/she is retarded and kick it back.

I would have said in retaliation: "And neither is Santa!"

TheCon11110 0

ahhhh that ******* sucks XD but funny

that's actually pretty funny haha ditto #5

well at least now you & the kid know tha your balls are real :)