Little shit
By single&alone - 06/03/2015 20:44 - United States - Seattle
By single&alone - 06/03/2015 20:44 - United States - Seattle
By imwrong - 10/02/2009 11:59 - Philippines
By sorry... - 02/03/2015 16:31 - United States - Newark
By twelvie - 23/03/2015 14:24 - Australia - Sydney
By baberuth - 19/06/2015 22:21 - New Zealand - Auckland
By Anonymous - 11/06/2013 15:20 - United States - Seattle
By GotPunched - 11/04/2009 06:36 - Finland
By Boyufd - 08/06/2020 17:06
By J - 11/02/2016 15:44 - Malta - Piet?
By Anonymous - 24/05/2015 15:15 - United States - Lompoc
By Anyonymous_101 - 21/09/2019 14:02
Maybe it's just me, and I'm not condoning the littles sisters behavior, but hearing OP say most kids are "jealous, whiny, tards" I have a feeling that maybe its possible that the sister had a reason to dislike the OP. Or maybe she was just a brat, who knows
You got a point but even so, is it fair to OP for her boyfriend to assume she could hit a kid? Not liking younger children is one thing; hitting one is another !
That's true, but maybe OPs attitude in general lead her boyfriend to believe it was possible, or maybe the whole family is whacky. It's was just a vibe I got.
Am I the only one here who thinks he SHOULD take his sister's side over his girlfriend's? His sister IS crazy, but a brother should always take his sister's side over a girlfriend.
My sister was caught red-handed in a drug bust with a few hundred pounds of cocaine with intent to distribute WHILE she was trying to drown someone in a bathtub. Should I support her? Nope. She's off to the pokey.
#63 - I feel the same way about family. There's a certain point where somebody is just beyond your influence unless they're willing to work with you, but the crazies with traditional values don't know how to give up on their kin.
The problem is that most kids are "jealous, whiny, tards". That statement is not even proof that the OP doesn't like kids, it's just a fact. What do kids usually want more than anything else? The thing that an adult it messing with or the attention that is currently going to someone else. (For example, the OP's boyfriend talking to and hanging out with the OP rather than playing video games with his sister or something) which is jealousy. When they don't get what they want they tend to whine.. (i.E. "but I want it" "you never pay attention to me" "All the other kids get to go to the park" "but I'm boooooreeeed..."). Plus quite frankly kids tend to do some pretty "retarded" things. It's not their fault, they don't always know better. They are sometimes simply ignorant, but it doesn't change the fact that they do retarded things. Such as the OP's sister headbutting the wall. I guarantee you that she regretted that later when the pain didn't magically go away once the OP left. You can like kids and still easily acknowledge that they are pretty consistently "jealous, whiny, tards" and pretty damn selfish to boot. As also exampled by the sister not caring about her brothers feelings for the OP and only caring about her own.
Yes, you are wrong as we know the little shit was a deranged liar. Why MUST brothers side with liars just because they're related?
If that was my sibling.... Ass kickin
I didn't expect to have to explain that CHILD ABUSE IS BAD multiple ******* times today.
Then don't? It's punishment, actual karma, cause and effect. Get a grip.
I repeat what someone else said downthread: stay away from children.
It's a weird double-standard to think that hitting somebody is bad unless you're the one doing it - that then it's suddenly "punishment" or "karma" instead of abuse. I bet lots of child abusers don't consider themselves abusers for that very reason. If people can resolve their conflicts with fellow adults without resorting to blows, then they should be able to do it with children as well. Controlling a person - old or young - by use of or threat of physical violence isn't ok. Hitting someone - old or young- legitimizes the use of violence as a way of punishing someone for not doing what you want.
@58 I'm not sure if you have siblings or not from what I've seen you say. It's not uncommon for siblings to get into a fight or two if they wrong the other, especially this badly. Secondly, we don't know the sister's age. I've seen people as old as seventeen be referred to as children and act like this. I'm not saying child abuse is a-okay, just that that girl does need a punishment of some kind for her actions. Who knows how many others she has done this to or will do this to?
#74 I speak for myself, but growing up I wholeheartedly deserved every ass whooping I got. I realize a lot of people associate physical punishment with 'violence', but I never thought getting a whooping from my mother was violent. The level of how dumb what I did was (laying out toys after multiple being told tos or picking on your siblings), was comparable to how many hits I got and how hard. It's not like my mom enjoyed 'hitting a defenceless five year old'. My father, on the other hand, would go beyond 'teaching a lesson' and bring his anger into the equation because he didn't separate parenthood and discipline from discipline and anger, and I've had angry red welts for days. All kids screw up, and I endorse a good spanking, but there's a difference. You don't spank your kid cause they spilled a glass of juice and you're having a shitty day. Everyone ******* spills juice. You spank them for the things you've taught them to know better, but they do anyway, like intentionally making their sibling cry by ******* with their toys or something. BTW my siblings and I have never grown up thinking violence was 'a-okay'.
I have siblings. "Punishment" and "hitting" are not synonymous. Should the kid get away with it without any repercussions? No. That's a great way to create an asshole. But hitting is not an appropriate punishment - that's a great way to create an asshole *who also feels justified in hitting people who have wronged them*.
Punishment and hitting are not synonymous, but neither are spanking and abuse. A spank is not out of anger, and it's not hard enough to harm a child. It's a little smack on the butt that is more embarrassing than painful. Growing up, there were consequences for our good and bad actions - the good ones were rewarded and the bad ones were punished, according to the degree. A spanking was only ever warranted if our parents had previously told us to do or not do something, and we deliberately disobeyed their explicit instructions (usually they would give us multiple warnings as well). We were calmly told why we were being reprimanded, and we were never treated with anger or subject to violence. My siblings and I grew up into well- adjusted adults who know that violence is never a way to solve problems. I agree with you that child abuse is never acceptable, but spanking done properly is nothing like abuse at all. TL; DR: if spanking is done properly, it's not the same as hitting. It can be very effective, and doesn't leave children with any emotional scarring.
It's not abuse. Sometimes people need to have the shit beat out if them before they straighten up. And I can say that from personal experience both giving and receiving.
It's funny how people expect children to be sweet and innocent.
It's funny how people expect children to be sweet and innocent.
Gosh dang terrible internet connection, making my phone think I wanted two duplicate comments!
You might as well hit her , except this time it would be true , but he wouldn't know that
She has the makings of a lunatic and psychopath all rolled into one. Good luck with that one!
I mean if he already thinks you hit her...
Demon child?
This is a tough one, because, while his sister is actually kind of crazy, I feel like a brother SHOULD believe his sister over his girlfriend. That is, of course, if his sister isn't a whack job.