Lonely, so lonely

By Lonely_Army - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Qatar

Today, I realised that I've been deployed for far too long, when I caught myself looking down the cleavage of a mannequin wearing a bathing suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 022
You deserved it 3 295

Top comments

I'm not sure that's the correct definition of model behavior.

KingCeltic77 18

Don't worry. Many girls would love to go out with you. You served our country when it needed you. You'll find someone, don't worry.


sporty1200xlr 6

At least you gave him a cleavage shot with your bio-pic. # just Ellie :)

sammis 0

Why would there be a female mannequin wearing a bathing suit in Qatar? Aren't the women in those countries forbidden to show skin? Especially cleavage? Something tells me this is fake.

hallkchallkc 4

If you're in Qatar - go have a beer at the Top Off and wipe your tears away with a bar napkin.

Caught yourself? How does that even happen? With all the free **** out there....idk, but hey, boobies are boobies..don't beat yourself up ovet it.

No words. Your service is appreciated, and we all thank you for it. Now go get with your girl, you deserve it.

i was deployed for 2 years.. once you been there for so long anything will arouse you.

I just want to give you a hug or something, because wow, that is about the saddest thing I've read all week. Risk your life and all you get is mannequin ****. That sucks. :/

Well thanks for being so dedicated to protecting our country

You don't even know what country he's fighting for. For all you know, he's the "enemy".

#87- For the comment you left below this one, you're an ignorant ******* moron, BUT here you make a good point, and the person you're responding to is a shameful embodiment of the "arrogant American" stereotype, that really should be dead by now. Sadly, stupid people like her think everything revolves around their country. Sad.

You volunteered for the armed forces, right? If so, YDI. And I don't give a **** how many jingoistic, meathead assholes thumbs-down me for saying so. It's both braver and nobler to strive for peace than to engage in war.

quirkynotcrazy 2

not all armed forces members are jingoistic meatheads. I'm a female in the air force and while serving I've done more volunteer hours than most people at soup kitchens, animal shelters, highway cleanups, schools, etc. I also have a bachelor's degree and am working on my master's. what have you done to strive for peace, other than piss people off with your uneducated comments? If you're going to be ignorant and close-minded then keep your opinions to yourself.