By tracy4191 - 18/09/2016 05:21 - United States - Ponchatoula

Today, I found out my mom sleeps in my room when I'm at college during the week. I discovered this my bumping into her dildo with my foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 562
You deserved it 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rawrshi 25

I have a sneaking suspicion that she isn't actually doing much sleeping in your room, OP.

FML_HelloItsMe 15

OP.Take the ***** and casually leave it on your mothers bed while she is laying on it.


FML_HelloItsMe 15

OP.Take the ***** and casually leave it on your mothers bed while she is laying on it.

I'm trying to think of a worse situation, at least she didn't use your toothbrush I suppose?

Using it as a *****, or for brushing her teeth? It can always be worse, but finding your mother's toys might be high on the list of things you don't want to find in your bed.

Rawrshi 25

I have a sneaking suspicion that she isn't actually doing much sleeping in your room, OP.

StiffPvtParts 43

I'm no expert, but perhaps she sleeps in your room because she misses you when you're away? Now, the question is... just how badly does she miss you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Your phrasing makes it sound like you stopped to chat with it. "Oh, hey man. What have you been up to?" "Not much. Just got out of your mom's ******. You know how it is." "I hear ya. Did that once about eighteen years ago. NOT my thing. I cried for months."

Reading this disturbed my mind it's just so dirty to even picture it.. time to Bleach OP.

Oh, ewwwww, ******* disgusting! Burn your damn bed op

You poor soul ? at least it was your foot and not your face or something

Can you imagine him stumbling on his moms ***** head-first? Or poking his eye? Now that would be a great story for the er xD

You should probably lock your bedroom next time you leave.

That's just plain wrong on so many levels...