Lonely, so lonely

By Lonely_Army - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Qatar

Today, I realised that I've been deployed for far too long, when I caught myself looking down the cleavage of a mannequin wearing a bathing suit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 022
You deserved it 3 295

Top comments

I'm not sure that's the correct definition of model behavior.

KingCeltic77 18

Don't worry. Many girls would love to go out with you. You served our country when it needed you. You'll find someone, don't worry.


Damn i know how ya' feel op. Just stay safe and keep posative. You'll be home in no time.

so tell me OP, how was it? Was it good?

You have internet access to post this but not check out ****?

quirkynotcrazy 2

"deployed too long" huh? you must not be in the air force ;)

19LoveIsLouder92 0

Thank you for serving our country.

1x1y 12

God Bless our military! Thank you for your service!!!!

Jessj958 19

I really hope you get to come home soon and see some real ones! : ) Thank you for your service and all that you do!

0331 1

I know what you mean I've been there usmc