Losing it

By emegemerald - 04/07/2011 04:13 - United States

Today, I went to visit my great-grandma. I saw that her dog had this red fluid on his ear, so I asked my grandma about it. She said she put red finger nail-polish in his ear so she could tell the difference between 'all' of her dogs. She only has one dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 771
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a subtle hint that you're the second dog in that household. I advise you to check your ear - I'm sure she marked you in your sleep.


SirObvious 1

that's what they want you to think:)

well as long as it works it's all good.

Uhh... how is this eff YOUR life? You're not the crazy one, you don't even live with the crazy one, and your grandma's confusion has no immediate impact on you...

yeah my boyfriend foes that in the city... when he is perfectly sober

Lulblast 4

Your grandma owns. She has more dogs than you know.

Is your great-grandma familiar with the term "senile"?

hectormora21 3