Losing it

By emegemerald - 04/07/2011 04:13 - United States

Today, I went to visit my great-grandma. I saw that her dog had this red fluid on his ear, so I asked my grandma about it. She said she put red finger nail-polish in his ear so she could tell the difference between 'all' of her dogs. She only has one dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 771
You deserved it 2 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a subtle hint that you're the second dog in that household. I advise you to check your ear - I'm sure she marked you in your sleep.


Are you the other dog? it's normal for elderly people to say things because they don't remember, Alzheimer's disease.

lifeisabitch43 4

A lot of old people get Alzheimer's. My grandma had it and used to keep asking me how old I was. She died of pneumonia in '09.

Lawbynature 0

ummmmm how's this a FML? like really are people becoming that sensitive????

This is why it's dangerous to drop acid, kids.

lyri10 0

how is this an FML? its funny, not bad