Low blow

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found myself crying in the bathroom because I started to feel lonely and depressed. My mother came into the bathroom, hearing me cry and gave me an hour long speech about what a beautiful human being I am… And to not forget to lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 941
You deserved it 5 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uhhh_awkward 0

I am so sorry. OP! I am sure you are a beautiful beautiful person inside and out! Maybe your mom was just having a bad day. Lover her and yourself no matter what! Take care! :)

riskakitty 0

good job on boosting your mood huh?


tylenol123 0

i personally hate it when anyone over 9 years old calls their dad " daddy" your not a baby and by that one word i know your prob a bitch/ spoiked brat

tylenol123 0

i agree with 103, my girlfriend is on the brink of losin herself andd ppl like you dont help... its very sad to see a loved one in that kind ofnpain... see you in hell you bitch

aymer31 0
denny3206 0

Loose a few, make yourself feel better.

Seriously 109?!?? Who are you to tell other people what to call their parents

It's ok! If you are comfortable with yourself, that's all that matters. If ur not, u have the power to change. Don't worry! Everything is ok

sionis 3

Put down the baconator and go for a jog