Low blow

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found myself crying in the bathroom because I started to feel lonely and depressed. My mother came into the bathroom, hearing me cry and gave me an hour long speech about what a beautiful human being I am… And to not forget to lose weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 941
You deserved it 5 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

uhhh_awkward 0

I am so sorry. OP! I am sure you are a beautiful beautiful person inside and out! Maybe your mom was just having a bad day. Lover her and yourself no matter what! Take care! :)

riskakitty 0

good job on boosting your mood huh?


KiddNYC1O 20

41 - You're coming across as a generalizing ass because of your comment.

well ur probally a little chuby but she still don't got to remind u

CoachLlama 5

OP, You need to understand that you can control many things in your life. Want more friends? Make more friends, and be a good friend. Want to change your appearance? Do it. Walking is a good way to burn some calories. Pay attention to your diet. Eat healthier. You don't have to cry in the dark when you realize you have to power to make your own changes. Your mom loves you, she's not perfect either. whoa...I'm dizzy now.....need a break....

66 wow nice! rare to see someone trying tl help..... :)

fritz2 0

agreed 48 gtfo. the only reason people come on fml is for the humor.

Uradoosh 1

it's called life and it could be much much worse than just being alone.

zp5 4
zp5 4

it just took me 2 hours and 19 minutes to figure it out. lol jk I just saw it.