Lower your expectations

By AchievementUnlocked? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband and I were talking about celebrities he finds attractive. All of these beautiful, talented, glamorous women were starting to make me feel very plain, so he attempted to console me by saying, "But I love you. You're attainable!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 755
You deserved it 6 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Step 1: open mouth. Step 2: insert foot. Step 3: move pillows to the couch..

Hey, I'm sure a bunch of all these beautiful celebrities are plainer than us regular folks. At least when it comes to personality.



That's because you are. Uhh I mean, you're beautiful and attractive. Yeah...

Dawnstempest 17

@17 Attractive compared to what exactly?

#25: A whale. Shh, you can't tell Noor I said that.

Can you imagine Stevie Wonder using that line? Priceless.

but it'a insane that guys need this mindset or else the girl goes crazy. i know im not the sexiest person alive (though i know im pretty hot (; jk) and i dont expect my boyfriend to think that. there is going to always be a better looking person in the world. my boyfriend knows every imperfection of mine, physically and peraonality wise, and loves me anyway. thats what a relationship is about, not delusion of grandeur.

Dawnstempest 17

@70 Holy crap people like you exist. I agree though, discussions like that about celebrities with vain people who are into delusions are a trap. If you are honest -- which is supposed to be the foundation for the entire relationship --, then you are screwed if you speak the truth. If you are dishonest then you are screwed because you are adding more lies to a relationship.

IridianShadow 20

Tip level: expert, thebomb.com, truth.

Keep your chin up, OP. Keep in mind that the first thing he said was "I love you". The second half of his statement may have come out all wrong, but what he probably meant was that you are a real person. Sometimes celebs seem more like fictional characters than the roles they play...

Oh my goodness you understand us. If you could make a machine to translate husband speak into normal language, you'd be rich and save soooo many marriages.

Those celebrities have stylists, fitness trainers, cosmetic surgery, and PHOTOSHOP. You're good, OP.

We got Photoshop too... I always tweak my pictures, putting more emphasize on my lovely boats. And don't tell me Welshite, that That lovely pink colour is all Au Naturel. I love you, but lets be honest.

Lesson: Never ask/answer loaded questions. Nothing good can be attained by it (sorry) ;)

I wasn't fishing for a compliments. :-P Fishing is for high schoolers. This was just where the conversation led:-P

RedPillSucks 31

Trolling for compliment, more likely.

mmaaccii17 7

I know what'll help! Look up those celebrities without makeup on on the internet! It's pretty funny:)

Do a google search of the celebs without their makeup, you'll be amazed by how plain most of them are. I've seen some that were rather unattractive plain faced, only pretty because they have professional makeup artists. Research some application tips and you may find yourself looking as beautiful as a superstar.

that was not consoling. . it's the truth. . he really loves you..

Painting, statues, and pictures can have the perfect idea of beauty, but they are cold and lifeless. An imperfect woman who is by ones side gives much more then beauty. They give love and warmth, the touch of ones skin has so much more worth. Keep that in mind instead of how perfect they are.

aw op dont worry most clebreties have either has surgery's, expensive make up, make up artist , fitness trainers. if they didnt have all that they would be much more plain . just google celebs before plastic surgery or with out make up. and you will see you should not compare yourself with celebrities because they are just avarage people when the dont have all that

Mine is in love with Jennifer Lopez's ass. Then claims she seems like a high maintenance bitch that would worry about getting her hair messed up if he were to attack it. Butt luckily I'm not like that. Yeah, some guys speak without thinking how the other would end up taking it. Lol :P

It sux that men have to first consider "how the other would end up taking it" just to keep her out of PsychoVille. Basically men are required to lie so that peace is kept. But maybe I'm wrong and everything is "fine"

79, not all women are like that. So long as my husband compliments me occasionally and gives me affection on a regular basis I don't care what woman he thinks is hot. Unless he actually cheats, it's harmless. It's not like I expected him to go blind the second we got together. I also take his woods at intended meaning, rather than worst case.