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By allocomrade - 29/07/2009 20:23 - United States

Today, my wife told me she wanted a divorce. She also confessed that she has been cheating on me with my best friend for 10 years. I appreciated the honesty, but was slightly upset considering we have only been married for 9 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 705
You deserved it 3 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you need both a new friend and a girlfriend. Sorry, man.

Why did she agree to marriage then. Goodness. FYL


ouch, man!! This is what makes me happy to be a nerd in love with a nerd--less chances of cheating and heartbreak happening anytime soon. I hope you're still young enough to find a new gal. If not--it might be better to just live on your own.

tenkenshi 2

sorry, just because she's a nerd doesn't decrease the chance of cheating. Being a better bf and making her feel happy in the relationship does. Although that's still not good enough for some people, just some though. Not trying to jinx you or anything, just saying.

I'm a girl. And trust me, he wracks his brain to make sure I'm plenty happy enough, even though it doesn't take much to make me happy. Plus, he's aware that most of the women in our age group, in our area, are sex and money addicts that don't care for sentimental things and would dump him the moment they knew he had a video game console collection and every series of Star Trek on DVD.

davelociraptor 0

I agree, FYL but at least you got a free lunch :)

SOMAgirl, a nerd would probably be pretty clever at figuring out how not to get caught. And what you don't know won't hurt you.

What you don't know can't hurt you? What if he gets AIDS?

You could be right, but if the nerd is not bisexual, the risk of him acquiring HIV from one girl and giving it to another is vanishingly small. Is he using condoms with either or both girls? Unless there are some things we don't know (IV drug use, bisexuality), ignorance is bliss.

organismal 0

This is what makes me happy to have schizoid personality disorder.

I'm a nerd who dated a nerd. I didn't cheat on him, but I did break up with him because he was emotionally shut off from me. Yes, he was "nice" in the sense that he wasn't an asshole, but whenever I was hurting, he would close off and back away and it just hurt me more. Nice isn't always enough and nerds aren't always the best boy/girlfriends.


#94 Indiana, I was typing that just as I saw that post. That's what I was thinking!! So she was cheating WITH him, not ON him. Not much better but, personally I'd rather be the cheated with then the cheated on. Ps I can't believe fmls like this are on along with ones about small emberrassing situations.seems like A pretty large scale to me

It's got nothing to do with being a nerd or not. If you're rubbish at picking up girls (which a lot of nerds are), then even if you WANTED to cheat, you might have a difficult time of it. I think that would be the most pathetic thing ever- failing at infidelity.

winemysavior 4

true. sometimes you gotta watch out with the shy nerds! if they get flattered by someone else (even another nerd) they might stray a little. bad news man.

that's called sarcasm #44...plexico is the fml champ of it, too. think people, before you post!

Looks like you need both a new friend and a girlfriend. Sorry, man.

It's not his fault his friend and wife are was he to know?

oucch that must hurt bud li say leave her she's not worth it

well theyre getting a divource...........

Why did she agree to marriage then. Goodness. FYL

Yeah I know right? 10 years of lies and hes only "slightly upset"

I don't think he was serious about the "slightly upset" part. Sounds kind of sarcastic to me. :]

I think he was serious about the slightly upset. To me, the OP knows exactly what's what in life. And that is that people change, there are ups and downs of it. I think the OP realizes that people do get bored and want a divorce, and is only slightly upset BECAUSE she decided to marry him AFTER she was cheating on him. Meaning she did it for a reason, such as money or a place to stay or...something. If it were 9 years, it wouldn't be as bad. Granted, getting cheated on (or divorce for that matter) is NEVER good 9 years of cheating and 9 years of marriage or 10 years of cheating and 9 years of marriage. The first being the lesser of two evils. To the OP, if what I think about you is correct, I do have to say you are a genius, atleast when it comes to this magical little thing we've come to call "life" ;) Hope you find someone worth your life. Because the world needs you.

I hope you told them both to f*ck right off. They deserve each other, and you deserve better. Soon enough the miserable idiots will be cheating on each other and continuing the cycle of loserness.

Zakky_Ketchup 0

So you wouldn't have been "slightly upset" if she had only been cheating for 9 years?

Sketch_y 0

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wow, your an ass.. it doesn't mean he's a dipshit, it means he trusted his wife and best friend and isn't a suspicious clingy asshole like a lot of men.

I like how if someone doesn't notice their SO is cheating immediately, they are considered a dip shit on this website. TO OP - so sorry. Kick her out and 'dump' them both. You do not need that type of garbage in your life.

krisskrossed 5

You're a complete ass. Have you thought he couldn't help the fact that he trusted her with his heart, or maybe that his best friend had, and she screwed both of them? The only logical explanation for her to have cheated on him for ten years would be for her to have a relationship with his friend, and then cheat on him with OP. Ten years of that. Wow.

zee209 0

It sucks for you, but did you honestly not know for TEN years?!