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Lower your expectations

By AchievementUnlocked? - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my husband and I were talking about celebrities he finds attractive. All of these beautiful, talented, glamorous women were starting to make me feel very plain, so he attempted to console me by saying, "But I love you. You're attainable!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 755
You deserved it 6 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Llama_Face89 33

Step 1: open mouth. Step 2: insert foot. Step 3: move pillows to the couch..

Hey, I'm sure a bunch of all these beautiful celebrities are plainer than us regular folks. At least when it comes to personality.


Guys day the darndest things don't they? I'm sure his intentions were good but his words just came out wrong. I'm sure you're beautiful and wonderful, op. :) don't sweat.

michaelaranda 28

yeah op. I mean cmon, he married you. clearly he loves you. he probably didn't want to hurt you.

\ 28

She may be plain to her husband, but at least she's a real person.

Think logically, and you can attain anything.

Llama_Face89 33

Step 1: open mouth. Step 2: insert foot. Step 3: move pillows to the couch..

To be fair, she was encouraging the conversation.

"To be fair"? When have you ever known wives to care about fairness. A wise man once said, "yes, dear, you're right" and he loved happily ever after. Lol

saraitkddh 47

#22 even if she was encouraging the conversation there was no need for him to be rude

He wasn't trying to be rude. It sounds like he just poorly conveyed what he was trying to say.

Hey, I'm sure a bunch of all these beautiful celebrities are plainer than us regular folks. At least when it comes to personality.

xXxGraveStonexXx 20

And don't forget all their airbrushed pictures and all the makeup they wear.

They're actually plainer than us period a lot of the time. They don't get that makeup, airbrushing and special FX 24/7.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

"Plain" is beauty to me. If a girl is comfortable enough to walk around with little to no make up, that's ******* sexy. You can doll anyone up, but you're just turning yourself into eye candy. Don't get me wrong I love when a girl makes herself look like she just walked out of a movie set, but that shouldn't matter especially in a marriage. I'm sure OP's husband sees his wife in a way no other guy does. That's all OP should be worried about. As long as her husband sees her as beautiful, then she is in fact beautiful.

Wait, I thought #3 meant plain as in boring and uninteresting, not plain looking. Or did I get it wrong?

Yep. Definitely meant boring and uninteresting.

I've seen many woman that are way better looking than many of the celebrities in Hollywood. Like my art teacher who is very gorgeous, better looking than Kim K could ever be. I bet your pretty OP.

littlexlune 16

Consider that, though. His odds of ever making it with one of those women are slim to none. I'm sure he thinks you're hot as ****, lady.

*sigh* Call me old-fashioned, but I dream of a world where not cheating is considered normal and expected of every human being, instead of being something to be glad of. But that's just me.

Humans, especially males, are not naturally monogamous.....

blcksocks 19

Don't feel so bad, OP. Sometimes we say things we don't even realize how much they can hurt the woman we are saying to. Most men don't really mean it.

No kidding. I have had plenty of personal experience with that myself. My bf listens to his relatively-huge ego instead of his heart, and btw says things just because it will "make him feel better " or something. He even told he he doesn't know what's right (probably because his heart is telling him something and he's kinda listening, but he's more focused on the ego). Tip for OP: When a guy says something like that, try your best to ignore it. It's probably his ego talking. I would just be happy he married you and leave it at that..

perdix 29

"Also, they can do a lot better than an asshole like me, but you can't."

Fitzinator1995 13

he knows what he can get. good for him