Mad beliefs

By GodSquad - 26/09/2013 08:06 - United Kingdom - Blackburn

Today, I found out that the girl I've fallen in love with is a "young-earth/dinosaurs-lived-with-humans" crackpot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 432
You deserved it 8 005

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait? So the flinstones arent autobiographical. Damnit, childhood ruined.

myeviltwin 20

She is not a crackpot for believing something different. She is a crackpot for believing a crackpot idea. Hope I cleared that up for you.


Gingerette 8

I just don't see what the big issue is. If it's a deal breaker for him, then what's the point of complaining? He could just go find someone more suitable for him.

I dont think you're in love with her. Cause if you were you wouldn't be advertising her faults and beliefs. Its unwise of you think you are in love cause this is not like love. Not a bit.

How can you love someone when you don't know even basic things about them? Or maybe that's why you love them. Sorry she spoiled the illusion for you, but I think the version of her you love never existed.

Hey, isn't that a little religion intolerant? It's a little absurd, but a lot of people believe it to be true.

Dinosaurs did roam the Earth with humans. It's in the book of Job.

Obviously you never actually loved her. I hope she finds someone better.

Nederlander95 14

So? Don't discuss that with her. It's ridiculous, but just don't discuss religion

1) That is an offensive way to talk about someone's religious beliefs. P.S.: I'm an atheist, so don't try to claim that I share her beliefs and am being biased. 2) People have the right to believe whatever they want. 3) If you really loved her, then it wouldn't matter and you'd at least respect it.

Doesn't mean the ass still isnt good. Feel me?