By Kilika - 08/06/2009 00:17 - United States

Today, I came home and found my desk devoid of all paper. Turned out my mom dropped by and wanted to surprise me by cleaning up my work area. She threw away over 7 months worth of irreplaceable original sketches, notes and storylines, thinking they were worthless. My job is a full-time artist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 527
You deserved it 3 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

girlnamedkris 0

Oh my god. That's rough... Is your mom actually delusional though? Possibly mentally challenged? Did she throw away your drawings as a child? Jesus. You definitely did not deserve this one. Condolences...

tonia_fml 0

daaaaaaamn. i'm really sorry. you never throw away an artists' papers


troyboyd05 0

Replace her birth control with Viagra.

JamesM9794 0

lol and get her a vibrator and give it to her in front of her friends

throw out her bills and call them worthless. that'll probably cost her as much as you lost on sketches and writings

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202- her mom DROPPED BY his house Please learn English

Are you illiterate? It says "dropped by my house"

tonia_fml 0

daaaaaaamn. i'm really sorry. you never throw away an artists' papers

That really sucks ass. You should have a portfolio or something to keep that kind of stuff in you know?

girlnamedkris 0

Oh my god. That's rough... Is your mom actually delusional though? Possibly mentally challenged? Did she throw away your drawings as a child? Jesus. You definitely did not deserve this one. Condolences...

Your mom has a key to your place? How old are you?

Okay, I read something similar to this, but hey, it does happen. I'm sorry though. Why wouldn't she have known better? If you're an artist, she would know. She could've just sorted it. A great rule to follow is never throw away other people's stuff if they know nothing of it first.

ashbaby010 0

ouch. um... maybe don't suck so bad next time?