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Make him stop

By he’s just terrible at it! - 30/10/2018 03:00

Today, I had to finally accept that no amount of communication, directions, or diagrams will make my otherwise great boyfriend good at sex. When he's on top, he thrusts like the tin man with no oil. When I'm on top, he lays there like a sedated mattress. He refuses to try anything new. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 058
You deserved it 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry, but great boyfriend he is not. If he can't be bothered to take an interest in what really gets you going during your sexy time, he's not worth keeping.

Well, time for a new boyfriend. First round's on me!


Have you tried interpretive dance? That might help.

Well, time for a new boyfriend. First round's on me!

Sorry, but great boyfriend he is not. If he can't be bothered to take an interest in what really gets you going during your sexy time, he's not worth keeping.

tounces7 27

OP didn't say he has no interest in making her happy, perhaps he's just unable to learn certain things(like not everyone wants to learn to choke someone during sex). Some people just aren't very sexually compatible.

Move on, nothing to see here. If he’s not willing to improve, he doesn’t care enough about you. I hope you feel you deserve better.

Make him feel bad about it. ********** after sex, or even instead of sex

ulissey 22

Did you rather mean to write Master Bait...? Well, at least if it does not work, she still gets something out of it.

Nhayaa 21

What was that show on MTV? Oh yeah. NEXT!

If he really is a great boyfriend that can attend to your personal and emotional needs, he should be able to follow the breadcrumbs of subtle (or not so subtle depending on the person) feedback a human body gives when being pleasured. If he is willing to try at some point: watch some **** together in which the man actually pleases the woman (yes that exists) or sign up for OMGYES (around 50$ but well worth the money) If he is not willing to improve. Is it possible he is asexual? Is it possible that there is a sexual trauma that he is not able or willing (yet) to share? If none of the above please follow the other commenters advise, because then he really is not worth you

I want to insult you. I want to so badly, But there isn’t a langue on earth that has a word to describe how stupid you are.