Rope Swing Fail By FML Videos - 30/10/2018 00:30 Cannonball! I agree, your life sucks 170 You deserved it 248 Share Tweet Share
Today, I found out that college stressed me out so much that my stomach acid now eats holes in my stomach wall. I went from, “Oh, I have a tummy ache” to “You can’t eat or drink for 24 hours because we gotta do surgery on a perforated ulcer.” FML I agree, your life sucks 418 You deserved it 84
Today, my girlfriend will only have sex when she's on her period, because it's the only time she gets horny. She also gets body acne, bloating, and utterly foul BO and gas. The sex is so unpleasant, I'm starting to wish she just got cranky and emotional. FML I agree, your life sucks 459 You deserved it 231
Today, there was a wasp tangled in my bed sheets. I found this out when I rolled over it in my sleep, and it stung me on the lower back. FML I agree, your life sucks 933 You deserved it 74
Today, my son asked me if a video of a flame on a computer actually gives off heat like a fireplace. He was serious. He's 17 and inexplicably has straight A's. FML I agree, your life sucks 901 You deserved it 145
Today, I met a cute guy, and everything went great. After a while, he asked me for my number and I gave it to him. Now he won't stop texting me, asking for pictures of my toes. FML I agree, your life sucks 50 299 You deserved it 8 871
Today, I was daydreaming in bed when my phone rang from across the room. I scrambled out of my covers, tripped over a pair of boots I had by the bed, and slipped on some jeans laying on the floor. Luckily, I answered my phone in time, but only to have my mom tell me to clean my room before she got home. FML I agree, your life sucks 8 065 You deserved it 30 689
Today, I locked myself out of my own shop. And I'm a locksmith. FML I agree, your life sucks 35 961 You deserved it 11 955
Today, I overheard my mom talking on the phone with my sister about how much they hate my fiancé. My wedding is in two weeks and my family has been pretending to like my future husband for three years. FML I agree, your life sucks 25 207 You deserved it 2 147
I can see that you did not pay attention in physics class.