Make it stop

By ughhhh - 10/11/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, my roommate's boyfriend told me he would be driving the several hours EVERY weekend to come see his girlfriend. As a couple, they are constantly all over each other, and can't seem to break out of the annoying baby talk voice. Plus, they like to kick me out of the room to do stuff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 397
You deserved it 5 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrPluton 0

Put on some headphones and ignore them. Nobody should be able to kick you out of your room.

Well, unless you're just sponging there, it's your place too. If they want alone time so bad, then tell them they need to give you an incentive to give them time alone. Of course, you could also just tell 'em off. If they want it so badly, they can make their own damn foxhole.


at least you dont have to see them do it

Let them, he's far away and wants to see her, don't be sour

Then maybe you should get a boyfriend too ..

they can't kick you out . it's your room too