Make it stop
By ughhhh - 10/11/2009 17:04 - United States
By ughhhh - 10/11/2009 17:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/07/2016 22:01
By Anonymous - 17/08/2020 17:08
By Paige - 10/07/2013 14:18 - United Kingdom - Witham
By Anonymous - 21/08/2022 04:00
By GetAnotherRoomAlready - 12/03/2016 05:58 - United States - Singapore
By Anonymous - 12/11/2009 20:34 - Canada
By Anonymous - 18/07/2009 04:21 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/11/2020 14:02 - United States - Pittsburgh
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 14/01/2021 15:01 - Canada - Edmonton
Don't worry, OP, that'll get old for them very quickly. It won't be long before we'll see a post from your roommate that says, "Today my boyfriend dumped me because he said he's tired of driving several hours every weekend to see a girl who still uses baby talk. FML".
**** the boyfriend! Literally. It will break those losers up and get you a new roommate to boot. They can't kick you out on a regular basis. If they want to have sex, they need to pay for a motel room -- either for themselves or for you, or bring you into the threesome.
Good point. Just start flirting with the guy and wear revealing clothes. Your roommate will never bring him by again.
OP, offer a threesome! :D
Tell them you have as much right to the place as they do and they can go to a motel if they need more privacy. Then the next time they try to get intimate, invite your loudest friends over for a drink.
I think someone needs their own boyfriend.
Slap that baby talk right out of your roommate, nobody should be talking baby talk while getting it on. Plus, you should really stand up for yourself and not let those two walk all over you.
I take it that you live in a single dorm room as opposed to an apartment with your roommate as you state that they like to kick you out of your "room". If you are unable to mediate a reasonable solution with your roommate that gives her the privacy she craves while ensuring that your right to peacefully live without discomfort or hassle in your own room is met, I suggest that you seek help from the Housing Department at your university.
I agree... most universities have policies in place regarding guests. At my college, for example, guests of any variety must leave if the roommate doesn't want them there. Also, overnight guests are only allowed for 3 nights consecutively and no more than 10 nights a semester, but the roommate still has the right to refuse an overnight guest. Furthermore, cohabitation is strictly forbidden. Another policy our school enforces relates to academic performance: If your roommate is doing anything that keeps you from (potentially) doing well in class, you have the right to make them stop. Repeated abuse of any of these policies can result in the offending student's contract being revoked (i.e. being kicked out of campus housing). Check your housing contract for similar rules and speak with your RA about any violations. You are paying to live there and you shouldn't let your roommate walk all over you.
The OP never said that the boyfriend stays overnight. It's reasonable to assume he does, but we don't know for sure. Also, getting "kicked out" of your room so that your roomie can have sex is not going to prevent you from achieving good grades. Have you ever heard of a library? I don't know about your campus, but my school has two large academic libraries with study/conference rooms and a huge law library. Anyone can go in and use them. Not to mention she could go to the student union/caf, a coffee shop, or sit down in a park and do her homework. As for the OP, stop your whining. You're in college. You really shouldn't be surprised that your roommate needs some alone time with her boyfriend on the weekends. The way you wrote this, it doesn't seem like they see each other during the week. Give them an inch. Surely you can find something to do, a friend to hang out with for an hour or two and let them have sex. So quit being a little bitch and go get laid yourself. It'll make you feel better.
its the same way at my college but no one actually memorizes the rules and goes and rats someone out for staying more than 3 nights in a row. you are probably the dorm rat who marches to Housing and feels all proud when you report someone. when I lived in the dorms even my RA said that no one really cares unless the guest is basically living with you. and the OP doesn't actually have to leave when they tell her to, just tell them to get over it, its your room too.
The only thing I've ever involved housing with was when my roommate was dragged back to our room from a party completely blacked out (barely breathing and no detectable heart beat). So no, I don't go run to the RAs for every little thing. Also, I go to a school where academics come first. Our library and student center are open 24/7 and students take advantage of this on a regular basis. However, we aren't allowed to sleep in either building. Nor does every student find such environments a productive environment. Getting good grades involves a lot more than doing assignments. Getting adequate sleep on a regular schedule to stay healthy is important, too.
point is, expen_dable, that there ARE those rules in place, and if she's really that unhappy, she can use them to her advantage. there's probably a middle ground to be reached here.
Okay, so you can't give them some privacy? Stop being a whiny bitch..
Every weekend? Really? Nobody needs to put up with that shit. Tell the overbearing bitch to do it while youre out, write it down and make her sign it. Bring that shit to housing if you need some extra leverage. College actually is for learning, and part of that is how to stand up for yourself against inconsiderate assholes.
Tell them to **** themselves and go **** somewhere else.
Put on some headphones and ignore them. Nobody should be able to kick you out of your room.
Well, unless you're just sponging there, it's your place too. If they want alone time so bad, then tell them they need to give you an incentive to give them time alone. Of course, you could also just tell 'em off. If they want it so badly, they can make their own damn foxhole.