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By Anonymous - 07/07/2015 02:21 - United States

Today, while reading my girlfriend's kids a story, her daughter started pouring a tiny watering can on my head. When I asked her what she was doing, she said, "Watering your head so your hair grows back". I'm twenty-seven. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 315
You deserved it 2 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My sister used to say our grandfather "had a hole in his head" when we were little. I don't think she ever thought to water him!


My sister used to say our grandfather "had a hole in his head" when we were little. I don't think she ever thought to water him!

sonasonic 34

Aww it's the thought that counts. You're wet, but at least she cares.

Some people can pull off being bald, Walter White for example.

She knows the secret hair growth formula!

Embrace the baldness! You can totally shave your head and go all bruce willis.

She needs to respect her elders, sorry you had to deal with that OP.

she was being an innocent little kid who was trying to help get your head out of your ass

I came to the comments to say the same thing. Glad I read through them before duplicating your post!

What's wrong with him helpinh out with his girlfriends kids?

Never heard of stepparents? Or do you think they just randomly marry another person? There's usually dating involved, you know.

9 meant there was an issue with the grammar, not the fact that he's caring for his "girlfriends kid's"

really *disapproving glare* grammar sharks are so annoying

tantanpanda 26

^it's not like they're being rude about it. If op sees this, he can learn from his mistakes. As long as you're not an ass about it, correcting someone's grammar is fine.

At least she's trying to be helpful and doesn't hate you

Out of the mouth of babe's. Got to love how kids think at that age.

catanita 18

That is so funny. Kids are full of surprises and sometimes do awesome things.