May December vibes

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mom picked my ex-boyfriend up early from school to take him to see a special screening of a documentary that's showing in town. She left me after school for an hour and a half because they ended up going out for coffee afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 153
You deserved it 2 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

theteal 0

All that comes to mind is..... Stacy's mom has got it going on, she's all I want and I've waited so long....


Quest_ 13

YDI for not being able to get your own ass home for an hour and a half.

TravisHerrian 0

how can that be a YDI you dont know how old the OP is or how far away from the school she lives.

annihilatedweek 0

It can happen. My freshman year, I went to a Catholic school forty-five minutes away from where I lived. The town had no public transport. One day, my dad forgot to pick me up (the girl I usually carpooled with had mono). I was stuck waiting for quite some time, and I didn't just leave because his phone was dead. That said, I was fifteen years old at the time. If she was so young that she didn't drive, the oldest her ex would be would be, what, seventeen? That's a little young for coffee-and-documentary dates with Mrs. Robinson...

Couger on the hunt. Welcome to awkward moment world.

Towkay 0

Beware, you may end up calling ur ex-boyfriend, DAD!

bonertastic 0

seriously. This cougar is moving in on yo man grrrrl.

driedpeaches 0

"Today, my mom picked her new boyfriend up early from school"

mr_radio 0

sounds like your mom is one of those dirty bitches that likes to **** her daughters ex boyfriend