Mean Girls

By 1nfected - 26/08/2009 17:07 - Canada

Today, when I arrived at work, I was greeted by my gorgeous coworker telling me my red shirt looked awesome on me. Before I could compliment her, she added that the color was fitting perfectly with my acne. I heard a couple of giggles around me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 421
You deserved it 3 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments

doubleAbattery 0

What a bitch. You should have said you picked it out with her genital warts in mind.


bitchwithabrain 0

good thing you didn't compliment her, right? :)

STVader 0

I would have replied "your mouth is really annoying when its not suckin my dikk" but I'm not that imaginative.

ALittleBirdToldM 0

what a bitch. hope u get her back good(:

If it's any consolation, I had the same kind of issues in school. The hot chicks had to make us not-so-hot girls feel like crap whenever they had the chance to do it. Now, twenty years later, I have fun running into the former hot chicks, most of whom are pretty pathetic looking now. They've busted out a few kids, have flabby guts and big asses, wear mom jeans that look beyond lame, and have husbands looking for any excuse to get away from them and their idiotic scrapbooking obsessions. Meanwhile, I go to a reunion and have to tell their husbands to get lost and go back to their dumpy wives because it isn't my fault they married for looks that didn't last much beyond the honeymoon, and I'm infinitely hotter than any of them now. Don't worry, your time will come, I promise :)

#42 has definitely been on one of those "Look at me now I'm hot!" episodes of Maury. Those are always so pathetic, you can tell the 'bully' who picked on the girl a few times just doesn't really care and the 'hot' girls are just really slutty ******

momo98_fml 0

What the F is wrong with people? What a stupid bitch!!!

OperationNicole_fml 0

Sorry, man. In high school I got a lot of that crap because I had a weird lisp and a lot of acne (in Secondary 1-3). It hurt a lot but what I learned with time is that even thought most people that say this crap are jerks and will stay jerks forever, it doesn't stop them from feeling guilty for a very, very long time because they still have a conscience somewhere in there. I stayed cold to them afterwards even thought I had forgiven them in my heart, not to be mean but just because they just weren't worth it. Don't worry, she'll probably make herself pay for it eventually.

theshinepolice 0

is she gonna do the "L" on her head next? seriously has no life and has her make up heavily caked on, either that or her ego.