
By janused - 18/02/2015 17:17 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, my dad still refuses to repay the loan I gave him. I've just barely managed to pay my bills, and I'm now so poor that I'll have to survive the next 3 days until my next paycheck by eating the only thing left in my fridge: a jar of cheese whiz. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 916
You deserved it 3 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

colton_colton 49

Just go "borrow" some of his food or money

As someone who works in a financial institution, I am sad to say that I see parents taking money from their kids quite often (because their name is on the account). I hope you no longer allow yourself to loan money to your dad since you must take care of yourself as well. I hope your dad will realize he is being a selfish asshole and will pay you back in the near future. Best of luck OP.


colton_colton 49

Just go "borrow" some of his food or money

nityasomaiya 46

I swear, he's your father. Go live with him and eat on him.

With how douchy the dad sounds, I doubt he will let OP eat his food or live with him for free. I suggest you siphon gas out of his car every time you see him until it makes up for what he borrowed. He will never know he paid OP back.

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colton_colton 49

Not everyone has the extra money. Don't assume everyone can spare the extra dollars

A bag of raw carrots can be purchased in the UK for £1 or less. Eat enough of those and you'll feel more full than if you wasted money on Mcdonalds. Plus OP still has to eat for several days.

Being full is not important. It's the calories intake that matters. 2 pounds of carrots are just 400kcal. It's not even close to your minimum daily requirements. It's better to buy the cheapest and largest loaf of bread OP can find. A whole large loaf of bread can easily give you 1500-2000 kcal. Rice, pasta, patatoes are other good cheap high cal options. And be generous with oils and fats. Might not be healthy but survival is more important than a healthy diet.

@#6, OP had enough money for Cheez Whiz, an overpriced fake-food item.

10thDoctorGirl 13

#31 Maybe op had that in their fridge beforehand.

#31, if you read properly, that was the only edible item in his fridge. OP just paid their bills, so they don't have any more money to purchase food.


I would like to point out that 3 days is not enough time to start worrying about caloric intake to the point of being picky about to eat. he isn't going to die unless he has some disease and that can't handle low food intake for 3 days. and I'm sure he could borrow some money or go eat at his dad's.

@#36 OP would have had more money if OP didn't waste money on fake food.

I don't think I'd be worried on "wasting" money on luxuries if I knew (or rather, thought) someone would pay me back on a loan. Besides, Cheez Whiz is $3.98. That's not much of a difference, maybe a box of nuggets at Burger King. I doubt that's overpriced, because cheese spreads are about $3-$4. I'd also like to point out Cheez Whiz isn't fake food, it's a topping for other foods, such as broccoli, as depicted on the jar.

_Dirty_Dan_ 11

Why is this downvoted he has a valid point.

A) Not everyone has extra money, if OP had money s/he could go buy food, and B) Mcdonalds is plastic shit on a bun

Has anyone elses bank account ever been in the negatives? Or is that just me?

@#60, OP couldn't reasonably think that his father would pay him back, since he stated that his father "still refuses" to repay him. That's quite different wording than it would be if the father was stringing him along. $4 can buy 3 cheeseburgers at McDonalds, with change left over. Or, it can buy a box of pasta and cheap sauce for several meals worth of food. Or two containers of eggs for several meals worth of healthy protein. But the point of my comments was that if OP will waste money on junk like Cheez Whiz, he's poorly managing his admittedly little money in other ways as well. Another note: other than rent, many bills, including utilities, can be paid a month or two late with no credit score ding or disruption of service. Late fees probably apply, but between no food for days and $5 in fees, I'd take $5 in fees any day.

MorganBall04 14

Don't assume someone's situation! That is so rude to make light of someone's misfortune. I'm sure if this individual had a few dollars for a burger they would much rather have that than a jar of cheese wheez

@#99 You just assumed someone's situation immediately following telling me not to.

should have bought food before the loan.

I agree, I alway make sure to have extra things on hand, even if it's just a can of something small or ramen. it pays to be prepared and has helped me out of many tight spots.

As someone who works in a financial institution, I am sad to say that I see parents taking money from their kids quite often (because their name is on the account). I hope you no longer allow yourself to loan money to your dad since you must take care of yourself as well. I hope your dad will realize he is being a selfish asshole and will pay you back in the near future. Best of luck OP.

Don't loan money you can't afford to lose, even to family members. Or co-sign their loans unless you're willing to make their payments.

My parents always told me to never loan family money that you want to get back.

snarkytruth 37

Take something of equal value that you can sell or pawn as collateral before you loan money. Best is to avoid loans if you can. But I've done the same. One repaid the other didn't and still owes a couple thousand for lawyer fees. I understand your pain. Family can suck sometimes.

Hey at least it's cheese wiz and not something like mustard!

Looks like it's time for dear old dad to open up his heart, wallet, and fridge.

Hang around a drive through window out of sight, when an order is handed to a driver, sprint past, grab it, and run like it's your last meal (no pun intended)

I hope your next paycheck is soon OP. Makes me sad to hear

JayVicious 20

if you read the full FML OP states the next paycheck is 3 days away.