
By baller - 08/06/2009 10:39 - Australia

Today, I was at a 21st birthday party. It got to the bit where they bring out the cake, and the birthday girl hosting blew out her candles. While she was blowing, I whispered to the fella next to me, "That's not the only thing she'll be blowing tonight." The guy next to me was her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 996
You deserved it 92 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capnstinkfoot 0

YDI for being a dumbass, BUT, if she did blow you then take a pic, mail it 2 him w/a note that says " told ya"


bullshit123 0

Your a bitch and whywould she blow some1 at her own party?

treesdevin 0

fuckk that... he's beyond dumb ... I say more of a moron

MrNewOrleans 0

u my friend are slow sense its her 21st birthday she will get a breath test bcuz she can legally drink and she will get drunk haha jk we were talkin bout dick

baysidebird88 0

haha. wow good times. it's funny! but its her bday she isn't the one doing the work that night, maybe if she gets shitfaced enough

You didn't think there was anything weird about the one dude older than everybody else?

manunited93 0

you copied that from another FML you stupid shit YDI

haha YDI. when you talk shit about the birthday be sure you know who you are talking shit to.

whoredior 0

I hope he kicked your ass. You should talk about women with respect.

littlemisslee 0

Well. Is it true she's a ****? She must be if you feel comfortable to say it at her birthday.

wow, i feel really stupid now. i read the story wrong, and i thought it was the father who said it. haha!