
By baller - 08/06/2009 10:39 - Australia

Today, I was at a 21st birthday party. It got to the bit where they bring out the cake, and the birthday girl hosting blew out her candles. While she was blowing, I whispered to the fella next to me, "That's not the only thing she'll be blowing tonight." The guy next to me was her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 996
You deserved it 92 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Capnstinkfoot 0

YDI for being a dumbass, BUT, if she did blow you then take a pic, mail it 2 him w/a note that says " told ya"


Haha you deffinitely deserved it, how could you not realise that the guiy next to you was the father of the woman you're dating? Either way, it was hilarious!

clockworkrainbow 3

Way to go, pig. I hope somebody punches you square in the jaw. Thats way rude to talk about people like that to anybody, friend or a random stranger...

#42, he never said he was dating her... /facepalm

Totally agreed with everyone telling you to keep your piggish comments to yourself. Why don't you try keeping thoughts like that to yourself from now on. Also, how the hell do you not notice the presumably significantly older guy there? You definitely deserve it. Also, the girl's totally not a **** just because she's willing to go down on a guy. It just means she's awesome and any guy she's with is lucky. :P

Talia070 0
entropyfitch 0

where is this party? i need directions

how ignorant and rude? YDI. a lesson in when to keep cheap, low coments to yourself. get some class.