Money money money

By hmmm - 01/10/2013 12:32 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, my boyfriend's dad said he'd given my boyfriend £100 to take me out for a meal last night and he hoped I'd enjoyed it. Last night my boyfriend and I went to Pizza Hut, shared a pizza and split the bill. Turns out my boyfriend had simply pocketed the money without telling anyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 329
You deserved it 4 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dswank620 18

It's even worse that his dad gave him the money instead of him using his own

I'm sorry op. But maybe he's saving up to buy you something?


I got so excited, I almost typed in all caps. I'm from St. Louis too! What restaurant? Is it on The Hill?

lovethesidewalk 19

And Mr. Sneaky really thought he would get away with it?

kayteakay 26

I might as him to see how he reacted.

It is a pity your boyfriend didn't inherit the same kindness as his father.

That's £100 could be going towards a never know...time will tell...

I find it disturbing that his dad needs you to know that he gave his son money for this. People nowadays can't do nice things without claiming recognition for their deeds..

bandeek 30

Op could have mentioned where they went for their date, and the boyfriends dad could have gottem pissed at the boyfriend and told op what happened.

perdix 29

He didn't pocket the money . . . he blew the other ~£95 on his other girlfriend. Playahs gotta play!

What if he is saving the rest to get you a present or pay some bills?