Motherly love

By anonymous - 12/08/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I felt inspired to create a photo album of myself through the years. As I was organizing the photos of my childhood, I noticed how many my mom was holding me and hugging me in. When she came home from work I jokingly asked, "When did you start hating me?" She replied, "When you were 4." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 254
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mosarmini 0

O snap! well tell her..."thank god I didnt turn out a douchebag like you" case closed =]

Dee100 0


Sounds about right. 4-year-olds are jerks.

that_guy321 2

I must say that you're name is awesome, and i respect you, as you got the name "anonymous" And i know that when you don't sign in, it puts that as your name, but they do it with a capital "A" Not a lower case. So that's pretty awesome. Anyways, learn to take a joke.

imlucky59 0

What are yall like the FML police or something u guys take these too seriously!!

That's good for your mother to tell you that. Now you can throw her into the world's worst asylum.

nerwende_fml 0

I think it's a joke too. Come on, even if it was real (which would really really surprise me), you think she'd just throw it in your face like that?