Motherly love

By anonymous - 12/08/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I felt inspired to create a photo album of myself through the years. As I was organizing the photos of my childhood, I noticed how many my mom was holding me and hugging me in. When she came home from work I jokingly asked, "When did you start hating me?" She replied, "When you were 4." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 254
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mosarmini 0

O snap! well tell her..."thank god I didnt turn out a douchebag like you" case closed =]

Dee100 0


OMG idk if she's joking but i dont get y moms say tht sometimes. like i read fml's and some of them r about how moms hate their kids. honestly then y would they have them? But if she's joking just laugh

"This is what it sounds like, when doves cry."

Yup - here's another "I was joking with my mom and then she said something that made me cry" FML. Did you ever think that she was joking? Or does SARCASM not compute in your emo brain?

BabaBlackShirt 0

I'm getting tired of these, "Today, I took a joke too seriously! FML"

Njord09 2

We should not ask questions we are not prepared to hear the answers. YDI.

t9x_fml 0

my mom told me something like that. she told me she never wanted to have a kid, and that i ruined her life. im 13.

you could have my mom. everyday she tells me, "i dont love you, and your not worth shit" all you gotta do is say, "I LOVE YOU TOO MOM" JKJK

LegndNikko 0

You DO realize that she was kidding?

kionnalexus 0

Why does everything joking is a time to ask stupid questions? Seriously, you ask a dumb question and you get an honest answer you don't want to hear and then you whine. Think about if you really want to hear the answer or not.

where the hell do you all get off insulting people?

when people act stupidly and let the world know, am I just supposed to pat pat pat them on the head and say "there,'s ok".