Motherly love

By anonymous - 12/08/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I felt inspired to create a photo album of myself through the years. As I was organizing the photos of my childhood, I noticed how many my mom was holding me and hugging me in. When she came home from work I jokingly asked, "When did you start hating me?" She replied, "When you were 4." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 254
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mosarmini 0

O snap! well tell her..."thank god I didnt turn out a douchebag like you" case closed =]

Dee100 0


Dee100 0

Don't take it 2 seriously. 4 yr olds can rly b pains sumtimes lol

lol how's that a fml? I'm sure your mom was just joking! my parents tell me I'm nothing like them and they picked me out of a trashbin all the time! but they love me and it's all for ***** and giggles!

loserboii 11

put her ass in a nursing home and tell her it was for being a horrible mother :)

That's a bit extreme. I'm sure OPs mum was joking

philly8608 0

FML needs a spin-off site for people who can't take a joke, call it ICTAJ. Half this site would immediately be ported over there and they'd have another revenue stream. Seriously OP, you joked with your mom, she joked back. If a joke of "when did you stop loving me?" is witty and clever, then "when you were four" is certainly a great response. Another case of someone who feels okay making jokes, but gets all sensitive sally when they get one right back.

I second that. Growing up, my parents always used to say, "Don't dish it out if you can't take it," meaning that if you can't stand teasing, don't tease people. It's surprising how many FMLs revolve around the theme of not understanding humor. I suppose OP's life would be better if her mom took her seriously and burst into hurt, hysterical tears?

shaZamy 0

when did you start hating your mom? today