Motherly love

By anonymous - 12/08/2009 01:43 - United States

Today, I felt inspired to create a photo album of myself through the years. As I was organizing the photos of my childhood, I noticed how many my mom was holding me and hugging me in. When she came home from work I jokingly asked, "When did you start hating me?" She replied, "When you were 4." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 254
You deserved it 6 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mosarmini 0

O snap! well tell her..."thank god I didnt turn out a douchebag like you" case closed =]

Dee100 0


And she jokingly said: "When you were 4" Take a joke OP

you jokingly asked then want to cry on fmylife about her jokingly answer?

She was probably just kidding. My mom constantly likes to joke about how she's always on the search for new parents for me, or how she still doesn't remember where she picked me up from, or stuff of that sort. And I can promise you that no matter how serious she pretends to be when she says it, she never means it. I honestly doubt your mom really has hated you since you were 4 (or hates you at all), and that even if she did, that she would actually say it to you after you said a joke.

OnDistantShores 0

So you're allowed to make joking comments, but she's not?

My mum has been telling me that she's going to sell me to the Gypsy's since I was about six! Twenty years later she still does!!! :-) PS - I definitely know that she's joking.....most of the time :P

You really must have been a little BASTARD.

YDI for not having a sense of humor and for posting something as minor as this as a FML