Movie night

By uncomfortable - 12/03/2009 00:20 - Canada

Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and his parents. It got to an intense sex scene. I felt grateful when I saw his father reaching for the remote to fastforward past the scene. He put it into slowmotion. We watched in silence for about 3 minutes before he managed to fix it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 87 375
You deserved it 5 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just be grateful he didn't reach for the tissues.

Something tells me it wasn't on purpose.... Did it set you in the mood later?


ebwaef 0

Um I disagree with 22! First thing you don't need to be worried about young people being uncomfortable with sex. There are millions of pregnant teen moms right now who were way too comfortable with it! Besides no one wants to watch a sex scene with their boyfriends dad.. that's just weird!

Sure, I bet he was "trying to fix it" for three minutes. Maybe he was, but, ya never know...

I disagree with you #80. There is a difference between being comfortable with sex and being stupid about it. Problems arent cause by watching people having sex its by not having the common sense to use birth contol. They were watching a movie that had a sex scene in it,not a big deal, its not like they were watching a porno.