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Moving day

By Unemployed - 30/09/2009 09:03 - Malaysia

Today, I fell asleep during my division emergency meeting. As I about to head home that evening, my boss patted me on the back saying, "Wrong move. Good luck". Turned out, it was a meeting to determine who will be kicked out of the company due to recession. My name was written first on the list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 923
You deserved it 54 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look on the bright side: if you're unemployed now, you'll have plenty of time to sleep.

YDI sounds like you get what you deserved.


realggirl 0

YDI sounds like you get what you deserved.

mds9986 24

There's a button for that.

Look on the bright side: if you're unemployed now, you'll have plenty of time to sleep.

srak 0

ydi for being lazy. good luck finding a new job slacker

Bad shit happens when you fall asleep in meetings. You get volunteered to do the worst tasks. You get assigned to supply the main dish at the company picnic. Your douchebag colleagues snap cell phone pics of you dozing and mass e-mail them all over the company. The office prankster dips your in warm water and then they video your crotch. This goes on to YouTube with your full name posted. Getting laid off is merely a slightly worse-than-average consequence for falling asleep in a meeting.

Well then, I'm going to look through Youtube for videos like that, and hopefully I'll find one of you wetting yourself at work. ^_^

Oh, come on, I know you just want to look at my crotch. ;)

Antivirus_fml 0

You deserved it for not using an antivirus. :p

theblazian 0

His name was first on the list because he fell asleep during an Emergency meeting. That is why the boss told him "Wrong move."