Must've been a good joke

By HAIL SITHIS - 24/07/2015 18:54 - United States

Today, I was on a date, and I tried breaking the ice by telling him my best joke. He laughed hysterically for a good 10 seconds, started beating the table with his fist, then suddenly went deadpan and said, "No, seriously, you're a moron. Screw this date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 198
You deserved it 3 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can you do a follow up and tell us the joke??

What an asshole. Screw him he doesn't deserve you op.


What a jerk! You can do better than him! If he's gonna be an ass then, find someone better! :)

For the sins of the unworthy must be baptized with blood and fear.

**** that guy. Good for you for trying! Keep looking for the right guy, it will pay off.

He doesn't deserve your sense of humor anyway:) good luck next time

hoosiergirl94 31

I would like to know his response to a really good joke

Way to pick 'em classy, OP. Seriously, if a guy cannot show basic consideration for your feelings, then you probably shouldn't waste time dating him anyways. Good luck.


OK. Next time try this one: What's blue and fuzzy? Blue Fuzz. Or this one: What's brown and sticky? A Stick.... Maybe you should save the jokes for the second or third date.

CaroAurelia 12

That's so rude. But you dodged a bullet. You need a guy who will not only appreciate your jokes but teach you new, much cornier ones. (I come from a family where the cornier the joke is, the better. At least someone appreciates jokes.)