By birthday girl - 27/10/2012 00:14 - Australia

Today, it was my birthday. My mom didn't buy me a present, throw a party, or acknowledge the event in any way. Last week it was our dog's birthday, which included a party for all the neighbourhood dogs, and a cake for our dog, made out of bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 238
You deserved it 2 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start Barking and youll get all the attention you want


todays my birthday too!!!! :D but my mom is on a hangover so she hasn't said a word to me yet :/

Epikouros 31

I don't think you want your mother to do everything for you that she does for the dog...

Guess you're going to have to start being a bitch. They always seem to get all the attention.

Awww well I am acknowledging it op:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

allisadawn91 8

Dude I totally get this. Moms suck.

The dog is probably nicer to her than you are.

I wish I got a Bacon cake too! I see where you might feel bad!