By birthday girl - 27/10/2012 00:14 - Australia

Today, it was my birthday. My mom didn't buy me a present, throw a party, or acknowledge the event in any way. Last week it was our dog's birthday, which included a party for all the neighbourhood dogs, and a cake for our dog, made out of bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 238
You deserved it 2 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start Barking and youll get all the attention you want


Sry but ida slapped the ****! But that's jus me. Nt tht hittin a parent is the right thing but to acknowledge a pet ofer ur own flesh n blood is jus plain, well a ****!

Birthday. Nope. Birthmonth. You deserve one after that.

That's ****** up. I hope u enjoyed itself somehow

PhishloverA 14

I could just imagine a dog party with them all wearing party hats. Now it's time for you to throw a house party for yourself

fucking_dev 2

happy late birthday op .. it's ok .. it's my birthday & I just want to cuddle with my girlfriend .... but she's on fb ...

venomousddog 19

Well, happy be-lated birthday op, and sorry to hear about your not remembering

My birthday tends to be the most miserable day of the year--not because of my family, who all actually do remember to wish me well, but because it tends to fall on the day I go back to school or return to work after break. Even last year, long after high school, I had to fly away from my husband and return to army training on my birthday. I don't make a big deal about my day, but I understand how important it is for others, right up until they want to stop getting older. Then they still want a cake, but without the correct number of candles. OP, I've never heard of a mother forgetting the day she gave birth to her child. Honestly, either she's planning a surprise party, or you were adopted. This event should inspire a serious conversation with her. Buy yourself a cake, invite your friends but not your mother, and count your blessings for being a year older (and cook yourself some bacon, that really sounds yummy).

FYL OP. Everyone forgot my birthday last week too. I want a Bacon cake!

noisebox 1

Your mother sounds like 'she for the dogs'.