By birthday girl - 27/10/2012 00:14 - Australia

Today, it was my birthday. My mom didn't buy me a present, throw a party, or acknowledge the event in any way. Last week it was our dog's birthday, which included a party for all the neighbourhood dogs, and a cake for our dog, made out of bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 238
You deserved it 2 165

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Start Barking and youll get all the attention you want


As much as they love it, dogs shouldn't be fed pork.

boo hoo! quit crying! You'll have plenty of other birthdays to hate too. my last 2 birthdays were horrible. I felt horrible for months afterwards too. on the bright side, you got to see a cute dog party! :-)

CharresBarkrey 15

Sounds like you need to take your own advice.

Happy birthday! You go buy your self a present from her money

Happy birthday, you shouldn't give bacon to a dog, it's not good for them. It gives them diarrhoea. Fyl op.

CharresBarkrey 15

I give my dog bacon all the time and she digests it just fine.

isis_morrigan 18

A nurse should at least be able to correctly spell diarrhea.

karen1991 15

I vote for you to slap her till she blue and hand **** her soul....but that's just me.

laurel415 6

Poor OP Happy Birthday. Well at least when she's really old,& you have to take care of her you can just put her in a old Folks home. When she asks why show her your Post. (Bacon Cake? Who does that?)

How is it that you say Mom but your from Australia? Don't you say mum there...?

CharresBarkrey 15

How is it you live in America but you don't say "y'all?" Same concept.