My ears!

By PoorMe - 22/02/2013 13:06 - United States

Today, I muted the TV just in time to hear my mom yell at my dad about how their sex life is "non-existent". FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 653
You deserved it 4 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's better than hitting mute and hearing a very loud sex life from your parents!


Should probs turn that volume up more...

PaintedTempest 14

This is OP here. I didn't have the account when I wrote the FML. I muted the TV so I could call a friend and talk to them and, sadly, I had to hear about my parents' sex life. Its actually my mom and step-dad but I call him my dad anyway. Some of y'alls comments are real funny. They are still happy together...besides the lack of sex. Thanks to all of you for commenting though.

Looks like you won't be muting the TV anytime unless you are home you know that...