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My eyes! My eyes!

By traumatized4life - 04/11/2010 19:32 - United States

Today, I woke up to two text messages from my mother. The first said, "You could've had this for breakfast. How do you like your eggs?" The next text was a picture message of her naked. I think it was meant to be sent to her boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 819
You deserved it 2 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your dad likes em "over easy" while hes makin it "hard boiled" for your mom, eh? I hope this doesn't "scramble" your relationship, but let's be optimistic and stay "sunny-side up" (; Well those were some eggstremely lame puns! :P


How can a text message contain picture? Then it is no longer a text message but a multimedia message.

BadasS14 0

Shut the fck up! got the point didnt you?!

that's when you text back I like my eggs unfertilised.

Op thinks it was for her boyfriend? so there's a chance it might be for you? O.o

19- thank you. couldn't have said it better myself

I guess your mom's boyfriend likes his eggs over easy

The worst part of waking up is staring at your mum without her c-cup!

chlorinegreen 27

how do you like your eggs? fried or fertilized? haha YouTube it.

dsbs 9

Lol guise 12 was obviously joking. Can anybody take a joke anymore?

o.o that really sucks.. and got to be a scary way to wake up..

I'm sorry, my username is a lie, I'm not awesome, I'm a bit of a prat really . Oh, and I collect turnips. Although I have been known to mistake the odd swede for a turnip every now and again, and buy one in error. What? It happens! Just thought I'd let you all know that. Thanks for listening.

14- Where is your picture? And where the **** do my comments keep going?!?!

FYLwindowlicker 0

Om Nom Nom, me eat the lame comments. My cat has more class than you, and is better looking!

cearalaken 0
DevianceIsBliss 0

that's disgusting. I would have been pissed at my mom.....

perdix 29

You should have written, "Evidently you like Eggs Benedict -- your eggs covered with a white creamy sauce" and send a picture of you. I hope your Dad has first dibs on the bacon.

I lol'd at this... but hollandaise is yellow due to it's contents of mostly clarified butter and egg yolks.

perdix 29

On some days, so is the "other" egg-smothering sauce.

They have antibiotics for that now... o_O

perdix u never let us down (: I admire you (:

ktrose 0

Always a great comment from you! :)

Now you have a cute story, complete with a picture, to tell at her wedding! You saved the pic, right?

Your dad likes em "over easy" while hes makin it "hard boiled" for your mom, eh? I hope this doesn't "scramble" your relationship, but let's be optimistic and stay "sunny-side up" (; Well those were some eggstremely lame puns! :P

Ahah that's so gross x) How old is she ? FYL