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By Anonymous - 17/07/2016 14:51 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy several years ago. I've been faithful the whole time, but he wouldn't believe me, even after I showed him that vasectomies can reverse themselves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 822
You deserved it 1 983

Same thing different taste

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You can hardly blame him, though, can you? You may have to get a paternity test to straighten this out.

hopefully he doesnt leave you OP, when the baby is born theres always paternity tests


SauceySarah 30

My friend's little brother is a result of a reversed vasectomy. It's more common than you would think.

Things will work themselves out! Don't fret too much, he'll come around. congratulations on your baby!

I don't understand the response of 'the husband should have faith in his wife. No trust. That's a bad sign. Bad husband. Hurr durr durr'. Vasectomy's rarely fail. It's extremely reasonable to distrust your wife at that moment. If you aren't even the littlest bit suspicious then I'm going to call that person a fool. He should get tested off course, if he refuses to test his sperm count because it came back negative 5 years ago then you are all right and he is a distrustful prick. But if he does that but is doubtful until the results come back, that's a completely normal response. Also, when a complete stranger comes up and tells you he/she has been having sex with your significant other, then the general concession is to belief that person (FML's of the past). That person that you don't know shit about except that he/she is obviously a bad person (assisting in cheating or lying). You should have faith in your significant other then.

This can be easily fixed up by him going to the Dr and giving them a sample, which they can check, vasectomies can reverse themselves and you are met to get check ups for a little while after having it done to make sure there is no sperm left, didnt he listen to the Dr -_- FYI I knew a woman who got pregnant after her hubby got a vasectomy, his failed also

My idiot gyno, on my first and final visit with her, mistook a razor bump for a herpes sore. My husband was several months into a 16 month deployment to South Korea as a member of the USAF and so I was very confused and distraught; she was so sure of her diagnosis that she prescribed me an antiviral. We had to wait for two weeks for the test to come back negative and those were the worst two weeks of my life, knowing he thought I'd been unfaithful was incredibly stressful. I couldn't imagine waiting nine months for a test to prove that you were innocent of wrongdoing, but I hope your husband makes it up to you when he has to eat crow.

That won't prove she never cheated only that this particular child is his. Why do people think that it would?

Get a paternity test, let him go through your whole phone, really show him that you have nothing to hide

Or, OR! Your son is the next Jesus :P

OP can know with near 100% certainty, but he can't. From his perspective, the odds are FAR greater that she cheated. He's not horrible for having rational doubts. He should get his semen tested for fertility. That should put doubts to rest for the most part and doesn't need to wait 9 months.

Active sperm test should clear this right up!