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By Anonymous - 17/07/2016 14:51 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy several years ago. I've been faithful the whole time, but he wouldn't believe me, even after I showed him that vasectomies can reverse themselves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 822
You deserved it 1 983

Same thing different taste

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You can hardly blame him, though, can you? You may have to get a paternity test to straighten this out.

hopefully he doesnt leave you OP, when the baby is born theres always paternity tests


A friend of mine had a kid after a vasectomy. And then another kid after the second vasectomy. So yes, it can happen.

To quote Jungle Recon from Action Figure Therapy: "I've had three vasectomies and not one of them didn't take!"

Am I the only one who ever wonders, "'Maybe the OP posted this just so she could say, 'Look, I even posted it on FML. I CAN'T be lying.'"?

That sucks. I hate the phenomenon of how some guys don't want to accept how pregnancies can happen in crazy ways, despite serious birth control methods and "alternate" activities. Luckily, at least with a vasectomy, the prevention is acting on the male and can be tested to get an idea of chance of fertility with the sperm count. The likelihood is just that the vasectomy is no longer functioning, and his sperm count is back up. I'm sorry you're going through this distrust, and with the baby on the way as well!

The thing is though, vasectomies have a very low failure rate, while anyone who's been on this website knows that cheating can happen a lot. I think he may have over reacted, but realistically you're probably more likely to be cheated on than have a vasectomy fail.

Who are you to say that. Yes the failure rate is low. But the percentage for failure increases depending upon the age you had it done and for how long you've had it done. She most likely was faithful. And for you to be so negative about a subject you clearly know so little about shows how likely it is that you shouldn't breed.

#34 - I agree, definitely with the fact that vasectomies have quiite a low failure rate and in the general population cheating is more likely to have occurred than a failed vasectomy. Not every guy in every situation has to believe that the vasectomy failed and their partner couldn't have cheated, certainly. In a situation like this, where they're married, probably been together at least since he had the vasectomy so, 4+ years, she actually has been completely faithful, so she *should* have exhibited trustworthiness throughout this time - and the guy still won't even remotely consider the possibility that the partner they should trust didn't cheat, then I find that unfortunate. There's a point where it's choosing to be blind and and to hurt, or potentially kill, an otherwise great relationship by not even considering the science that there is a proven failure rate and fatherhood could be a possibility. The vasectomy failure rate is actually pretty high in comparison to how much a person probably wants to avoid having kids to get a vasectomy in the first place - although still low, as you said. I say this purely because I know a couple guys like this personally, and it's too bad that they still see it this way, given their particular relationships. Luckily, this situation isn't likely to actually happen to any of us!

Have him go to the doctor so he can have them look at it and prove it reversed itself (if that's a possibility). Or if its not a possibility, like others have said, there's always a paternity test when the child is born. Sorry OP :( that's a really messed up situation. I hope everything works out

It is possible that it didn't take. I work as a receptionist at a urologist's office, I see guys at least once a month that have impregnated their faithful partner. Part of the problem is that most guys don't realize it's a thing and don't go back to get a sperm count done 6 months post op(if they fail, it happens in the first 6 months after).

#35 I think she meant if doing a sperm count is possible, not if the reversal is possible.

A microscope, slide, and tiny plastic cup can clear this dispute right up.

There is a such thing as a third vas deferens that can be overlooked. It happened to me.

I hope a Dna test straightens everything out. Wish you the best.

Wilkos is much more violent imo, but Maury is more ratchet/ghetto

When it comes to 3 month old *insert name here*, you ARE the father.