Narcissists never unite!

By bntje - 14/04/2013 20:39 - Netherlands - Holten

Today, my sister went into a blind rage at me for "upstaging" her by announcing that I'm pregnant, two months after she did the same. My husband and I have been trying for two years. She's in high school and doesn't even know who the father is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 784
You deserved it 3 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

moonfal 21

Least you know who the father to yours is.

Your sister sounds like a real drama queen, as if the arrival of a baby is a competition... In any case, congratulations, OP!


Pft just wind her up, tell her that shed better get used to it because her baby will be forgotten by everyone when you pop yours out. Id like to say she will grow out of the brattiness, but I really doubt it.

Please OP, do her, her unborn child, your parents and humanity a favour and kill her before it's too late

I guess her reaction is not surprising. She clearly sounds like an immature brat. I feel bad for her kid. Anyway, congratulations OP!

Oh my god no offence but your sister is a bitch being pregnant in high school and not knowing who the father is is nothing to be proud of I blame shows like sixteen and pregnant for glorifying teen pregnancy.

I'm sorry that you have a **** for a sister

But your sister's life sucks more.

Bella1979 6

#128-My first post on FML is to tell you, I spit out my juice when I read your comment.

lollypop30001 19

Your sister should be so proud in High School and pergo. I bet she going to drop out and be a loser. Trying to rise a baby at 16 that just sad baby shouldn't raise baby. I am surprise she hasn't call MTV yet.