Nature is healing

By screwthewilderness - 04/10/2010 06:46 - United States

Today, I visited my vacation cabin. I've been planning to sell it, and it was in perfect condition when I last visited about 6 months ago. I walked in the door to find the floor covered in muddy pawprints and bloody remainders of meals. It appears some bears moved in during my absence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 217
You deserved it 3 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

This comment is such a complete failure. I'm ashamed to share the same air supply with you.


pika pika. pika pikachu, pikaaaa, pikachuuu!

Damn you Pikachu! I reject your reality and subsitute my own! It's not possible but I'll do it anyway! Everyone shall now pour milk in a bowl and THEN add cereal! MWAH HAH HAH HAH!

Well, Ranger, like the rabbit, we pay for the bears to win.

******* Yogi!!! well I'm sure insurance on a cabin would cover wildlife damage!?..... maybe?

the last statement of this FML did it for me. I legitimately lol'd. that sucks hard core.

drink some powerthurst and do some BEAR-BLASTING ahhhhhhhhh

robc32ca 4

how much do you want for the cabin? where is it? sounds like a fixer-upper now!

What if it wasn't just Yogi?? You know Boo Boo is a badass too!!