Needs a follow up

By Anonymous - 18/09/2023 00:02

Today, I was told the reason for me getting evicted without notice is because I unnecessarily threw a fit that the dog my roommate got wasn't the one I wanted. I pointed out my anaphylaxis to my landlord and she asked, "That’s hypochondria, right?" I’m still getting evicted without notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 669
You deserved it 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably illegal unless you are causing serious damage to the property or is engaging in illegal activity. Assuming you're in the US.

something isn't adding up because that isn't a valid reason for eviction. it also takes a process, much more than one day


Probably illegal unless you are causing serious damage to the property or is engaging in illegal activity. Assuming you're in the US.

"You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." This time it has real consequences!

Lawyer up as soon as possible. You won't get unevicted for it but you might get a good payout and get it through your landlord's and roommate's thick skulls that medical needs are not to be messed with.

something isn't adding up because that isn't a valid reason for eviction. it also takes a process, much more than one day

HouseOfM 8

Agreed either something was left out or made up entirely. People don't get evicted over something like that.