Never forget

By Anonymous - 14/10/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, the guy I went to prom with way back in 2006 decided to message me out of the blue. He’s now one of those red pill, MGTOW, woman-hater types. He told me all the reasons he’s too good for me, and why I’ll never have a man like him. I’ve spoken to him maybe twice in the last 18 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 362
You deserved it 56

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Block him, and be happy he is blocked.

easybree 10


easybree 10

Block him, and be happy he is blocked.

Thank God you'll never have a man like him! It sounds like nobody will either.

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like you should be glad you'll never have a man like him...

d j mom 7

that man is insecure as hell. just be happy you're better than him. call him out on it and tell him so if he contacts you again.