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By hantavirus - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that the horrific smell coming from somewhere in my kitchen was a rotting dead mouse that somehow got stuck in my dishwasher. I have been eating off plates washed in dead mouse water for the past week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 307
You deserved it 11 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

asdfghjklfmylife 0

that it honestly the grossest thing i have ever heard. **** your life.


AntiChrist7 0

10% of your body weight consists of microbes. stop whining and clean your kitchen more often

wtfever. why haven't you unloaded the dishwasher in a week's time?!

oh god some little tween talking about stupid shit, calm down, its just sex

FYI, mice mummify when they die! So no you haven't been eating off plate washed off with dead mouse water. Next time, do you research dumbass.

Ew, that sucks a lott. I've found that mice somehow get crushed under my refrigerator, and when running away from my cats, sometimes find holes that go into the walls. They then become trapped and give off a horrible, disgusting smell that we only recently found the source of. At least there was soap on the dishes!

if this is true, i wouldn't worry. your dishwasher uses very hot water to clean your dishes, thus eliminating any bacteria that may be present. so unless you didn't empty the dishwasher right after a cycle and left the dishes sitting for more than a day, it's probably not that big a deal.

Your cooking must suck! If dead mouse flavor isn't distinguishable from your normal fare, you ought to give up cooking and live on Ensure.

Or maybe they like the flavour of dead mouse in Oregon. =)

In Oregon, they like FRESH dead mouse flavor. It's the freaks in Idaho who like the, how do we say?, AGED dead mouse flavor.

Ah, see I didn't know this; probably because I'm above the boarder. Makes perfect sense now. Thanks for clearing that up for me. =)

doubleAbattery 0

I resent that, Plexico! Why don't you go back to eating fried armadillo or whatever it is Texans eat?

We don't fry the armadillos. When we find them on the road, we have armadillo sushi!

OMGitsKaleyxo 0

well at least u found out now and not like a year from now.

Lol, dead mouse water. That sucks though. That is just... disgusting.

Deadmau5 water? (Tch, holy water right there. x) )