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By hantavirus - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that the horrific smell coming from somewhere in my kitchen was a rotting dead mouse that somehow got stuck in my dishwasher. I have been eating off plates washed in dead mouse water for the past week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 306
You deserved it 11 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

asdfghjklfmylife 0

that it honestly the grossest thing i have ever heard. **** your life.


#65 stfu and wow that sucks, ive found a dead rat in my grandparents wall while we were renovating their house

YDI too because your grandparents are dirty ******.

orlandogirl4life 11
babylon_pride 0

Yum, yum. Taste like chicken, no? Honestly, how didn't you realise? You had to have been getting hair on the plates.

get yourself checked :S never know what it could be carrying.

bitchwithabrain 0

FAAKE. Didn't you smell it when you opened up the dishwasher? And if it is real... go to the doctors! Your probably infected with something..

Were your dishes "squeaky" clean? :P yea fyl

waterynuggets 0

LOL yeah this is gross, we had a mouse in here and put traps and rat poison and down and all, I think it got out thank ye gods.

woman, you life sucks harder than a hoover!